Our Mission

The mission of the NSSA is to be the peak membership organisation of the Australian security screen industry. The NSSA advocates the Australian Standards and regulations that relate to our industry.

We promote compliant and fit-for-purpose products and installations as well as ethical trading practices to establish and maintain consumer confidence.

Our Services aim to help our members run a successful and sustainable business.


Our Purpose

In order to achieve its objectives, the NSSA will:

  • Drive best practice through compliance, product conformity and training. 

  • Facilitate technical capability and knowledge. 

  • Advocate to governments and regulators as the peak body within our industry. 

  • Provide advice and support to members. 

  • Promote to members, stakeholders, the community and consumers. 

  • Actively work towards the betterment of the security screen industry.


Member Code of Conduct

The National Security Screen Association recognises its obligation to promote fair and competitive conditions in the interests of members, customers and protecting the industry. In doing so, members undertake to provide the following standards of service:

  • To conduct sales policies and advertising in an ethical, honourable and dignified manner.

  • To maintain a policy of efficient and honest service, maintaining the highest ethical values and providing high quality products.

  • To preserve confidential knowledge and to avoid discrediting the work or product of any other member.

  • To maintain standards relevant to the security screen industry.

  • To encourage other compliant security screen businesses to join the Association.

  • To encourage consumers to deal only with members of the Association.

  • To ensure that all staff receive adequate training according to the scope of their duties.

  • To actively work towards the betterment of the security screen industry.